Profitability calculation PV system

When you invest in a PV system, the question of the cost-effectiveness of this photovoltaic system quickly arises. This profitability can be calculated by taking various factors into account. On the following page we present these factors and give you an example of a profitability calculation for a PV system.

PV system profitability calculation: Factors

If you want to calculate the profitability of a PV system, you need to consider various basic factors that influence the profitability of the PV system.

First get an idea of the following factors:

      • Acquisition costs: How high are the costs for the purchase of the photovoltaic system?
      • Einspeisevergütung: Wie hoch ist die staatlich garantierte Vergütung pro kWh durch das Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG)?
        → Dabei sind Jahr und Monat der Inbetriebnahme Ihrer Anlage entscheidend
      • Direct marketing: How much electricity do you usually feed into the public grid via direct marketing?
      • System output: How much output does your system have in kWp?
      • Laufzeit: Mit welcher Laufzeit rechnen Sie?
        → Hier sollten Sie mindestens mit 20 Jahren Laufzeit rechnen, moderne PV Anlagen können bei regelmäßiger Wartung bis zu 40 Jahre genutzt werden
      • Loan amount: Have you taken out a loan from one of the PV financing banks and if so, how long will you be paying off this loan?
      • Dachausrichtung und -neigung: Liegt eine Süd- oder doch eine Ost-West-Ausrichtung des Daches vor? Wie stark ist der Neigungswinkel der PV Module?
        → All dies sind auch entscheidende Faktoren für die Ertragsprognose PV
      • Components used: Which modules, inverters, etc. are installed in your system?
Profitability calculation PV system

Profitability calculation for photovoltaics: use and location

One of the most decisive factors in calculating the profitability of a PV system is the use and location of the photovoltaic system.

Although the EEG remuneration has fallen steadily in recent years, the solar market value was very high in summer 2022. In this way, the direct marketing of the electricity generated by the PV system can currently generate an annual average of around 20 cents per kWh fed into the grid. In this way, it is worthwhile not to use the photovoltaic system for self-consumption, but to feed the generated solar energy into the public grid.

Of course, the system can only be used in this way if it reliably produces electricity at your location. Depending on the region, the average solar radiation varies, which also leads to different PV outputs. The closer the location of the system is to the equator, the higher the global radiation. In Germany, this means The further south a system is located, the more solar radiation it receives. As a result, the average kWh per kWp yield in the various federal states of Germany varies between 800 kWh/kWp (north) and 990 kWh/kWp (south).

The location of the PV system is therefore also a decisive factor for calculating the profitability of photovoltaics and should be taken into account when planning the PV system.

PV system profitability calculation

Below we show you an example of a PV system profitability calculation. The data in the PV system profitability calculation corresponds to a system on a roof area of at least 1,000 m².

In this way, you can get a direct idea of the cost-effectiveness of a solar system. The figures are rounded.

Technical values:

Output in kWp 250
kWh per kWp per year 950
Annual electricity production in kWh 237.500
Expected remuneration per kWh 20 cents


Ertrag pro Jahr in Euro = Einspeiseerlös in Cent je kWh x Jährliche Stromproduktion in kWh
47.500,00 € = 20 Cent x 237.500 kWh


Deductions due to ongoing operating costs

Annual income from feed-in revenue 47.500,00 €
Current operating costs 3.000 €
Total yield per year 44.500,00 €

With a PV system with an output of 250 kWp, you can achieve an annual yield of €44,500 - which corresponds to a monthly yield of €3,708.33


Profitability calculation photovoltaics Excel

Here you will find the photovoltaic profitability calculation Excel file. In this file you will find the same PV system profitability calculation that we have just presented to you.

You can download the data from this PV system profitability calculation simply and easily and exchange it with the data that your PV system has or will have. For example, instead of the EEG remuneration, you can also calculate with the revenue from direct marketing, which is approx. 20 cents/kWh on average for 2022.

In this way, you can create an Excel file yourself, which will help you to calculate the profitability of your PV system.

Profitability calculation photovoltaics Excel:

Please note that such a PV system profitability calculation provides an approximate value. The factors mentioned above are always variable to a certain extent and solar radiation cannot be predicted exactly. The PV system profitability calculation therefore provides you with a guide value that you can use for orientation.

Profitability calculation PV system with Solar Direktinvest

All the factors and the profitability calculation for photovoltaics itself are not easy to keep track of. However, with a direct solar investment, we can help you find the right PV investment for you.

Without your own roof, you can invest in renewable energies thanks to our solar investments and not only easily save taxes, but also achieve high returns through the direct marketing of PV electricity. With yields of up to 10% p.a. and current average annual remuneration of 20 cents in 2022 per directly marketed kWh, a PV system is a lucrative investment for a greener future.

If you decide to make a direct solar investment, we will of course not leave you alone with the photovoltaic profitability calculation. We will calculate the profitability of the PV system for you and show you other options regarding maintenance, insurance, etc.. The expenses and income always remain transparent and comprehensible for you.

Please feel free to contact us!

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Contact us if you would like to find out more about the profitability calculation for photovoltaics

If you would like to know more about how to calculate the profitability of a PV system yourself or if you are interested in finding out more about direct solar investments, please contact us!

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