Photovoltaic financing

Photovoltaic financing

The energy crisis and climate change are prompting many people to consider buying a photovoltaic system. However, such an investment, whether for your own roof or as a solar investment on a leased area, is associated with high costs. Very few people can pay these costs out of their own pocket all at once. Photovoltaic financing is often necessary. But is such financing even an option for you personally? And where can you obtain such financing? We will answer these and other questions for you on the following subpage. Read more "
PV Anlage finanzieren

PV Anlage finanzieren

Eine Photovoltaikanlage, egal ob für das eigene Hausdach oder als Investment zur gewerblichen Nutzung, ist eine kostspielige Investition. Oftmals ist es Interessenten nicht möglich, die Investition aus Eigenkapital heraus zu stemmen. So erwägen viele Investoren, ob sie die PV Anlage finanzieren sollen. Welche Möglichkeiten Sie haben, eine Solaranlage zu finanzieren und wie Sie am besten dabei vorgehen, erfahren Sie auf der nachfolgenden Seite. Zusätzlich möchten wir Ihnen die Finanzierung eines Solar Investments über die Solar Direktinvest vorstellen. Weiterlesen »
Expiry of the PV financing

PV financing process

PV financing process We don't need large sums of our own money for our own PV project. Rather, we need a sympathetic and willing bank. There are many financial institutions that are the first port of call for financing a PV...Read more "
Photovoltaic financing example

Photovoltaic financing example

Are you looking for suitable financing for your photovoltaic system? Or are you still at the very beginning of your journey to your own PV system and would like to find out whether financing is sensible and possible? Then you will also be asking yourself about a photovoltaic financing example. In the following, we would like to go into more than just the possibility of financing and the necessary financing components. The focus will be on two examples of financing in particular. We would then like to show you how you can get your own PV investment with Solar Direktinvest. Read more "
PV-financing banks

PV financing banks

PV financing banks Many regional savings banks and cooperative banks offer their own solar loans, in some cases via their building societies (e.g. LBS based on the model of LBS Hessen-Thüringen). Through your own house bank, you can obtain loans from KfW (Renewable Energies - Standard...Read more "
Solar system loan interest

Solar system loan interest

When purchasing and financing a photovoltaic system, the question also arises as to the interest rates associated with a loan for PV systems. On the following page, we would like to give you an understanding of the photovoltaic loan interest rates that you can expect when financing. We will not only look at different loans and lenders, but also at the loan conditions and interest rates that you can obtain from Solar Direktinvest if you purchase a PV investment through us. Read more "
Solar loan

Solar loan

The purchase of a photovoltaic system not only needs to be carefully considered and planned, but in most cases must also be financed by a loan. There is the option of a so-called solar loan. We would like to explain below what you can expect from a solar loan, what the terms and conditions are, as well as various other options. We will also compare solar loans from different providers and present the credit option via Solar Direktinvest. Finally, we will look at the question of whether a solar loan is tax-deductible. Read more "
KfW funding for PV

KfW funding for PV

Take advantage of the KfW subsidy for PV and save money when financing your photovoltaic investment.

Die KfW Förderung für PV (Kreditbank für Wiederaufbau) hat ein Programm entwickelt, um den Aufbau von Photovoltaik-Anlagen interessanter zu gestalten. Dieses Programm heißt: “Erneuerbare Energien Standard 270”. Diese Förderung für PV-Anlagen ist überwiegend an Privatpersonen sowie Unternehmen gerichtet, welche Anlagen zur Gewinnung, Speicherung oder Nutzung aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen aufbauen möchten.

KfW funding for PV projects through KfW Loan 270

This funding finances numerous different investments in the field of renewable energies. Funding is also available for heat generation systems as well as electricity storage and integration technologies. The funding is available for the construction, expansion and acquisition of systems on roofs, façades and open spaces.

The majority of solar installations can use the funding opportunities offered by the Kreditbank für Wiederaufbau.

There are various loans that can be used, but with regard to photovoltaic systems, KfW financing through the 270 loan is particularly interesting. We will go into this in more detail on the following subpages, as well as how to apply for such a promotional loan.

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Bafa Foerderung 2

BafA Förderung Photovoltaik

Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, wie Sie Förderungen für eine eigene Photovoltaikanlage erhalten. Unter anderem gibt es unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen die Möglichkeit, eine Förderung für Photovoltaik vom BafA zu erhalten. Wir möchten Ihnen nachfolgend aufzeigen, ob eine Förderung für Photovoltaikanlagen über das BafA möglich ist und für Sie persönlich in Frage kommt. Daneben stellen wir Ihnen vor, wie Sie ganz ohne BafA-Förderung zu Ihrem eigenen PV Investment gelangen. Zudem möchten wir Ihnen weitere Fördermöglichkeiten vorstellen.Weiterlesen »