Selling a photovoltaic system

As the owner of a photovoltaic system or as a developer of new photovoltaic systems, there are many opportunities to generate profits. Due to the high demand for solar systems, you should consider selling your PV system now to take advantage of the current market situation. You can achieve top prices for your used PV system within a few days.

As one of the market-leading companies in the photovoltaic sector, we offer you the highest price on the market if you are a private individual looking to sell your existing PV system or a property developer looking to sell a new-build system. We are always on the lookout for new investment opportunities in photovoltaic systems. From a small 30 kWp roof system to a large solar park with several megawatts of power, we buy solar systems throughout Germany.

With us, you receive the inspection and purchase of the PV system from a single source. We ensure that all parties involved leave the sale with a good feeling at all times.

Solar system sales: our customers' experiences

Sell PV system
Sell solar system

"I would recommend any system operator who wants to sell their PV system to contact Solar Direktinvest. You get expert advice there, you have a very fast, streamlined sales process and you can then definitely concentrate on the things that are important to you in your professional and private life, because Solar Direktinvest takes care of everything quickly, easily and simply."

Martin B.
PV Verkäufer von Weisenheim (321 kWp) und Alzey (213,84 kWp)

"Our experience was very good because you could see that the company's entire concept is based on sustainability and a long-term approach. Based on the experience we have now had with Solar Direktinvest, I can and do recommend the company to others."

Mirko Steffen
Solar Verkäufer von Tribsees (155,84 kWp), Belgern 4 (349,44 kWp), Lödderitz (157,44 kWp) und Eichsfeld (446,88 kWp)

Sell PV system
Selling a photovoltaic system

"My impression of Solar Direktinvest was relatively pleasant. The work was not pushy, it was friendly. What means a lot to me in such transactions is that what was discussed on the phone was actually implemented . Things were not changed afterwards that had not been discussed. We spoke on the phone, it was recorded by email and then it was set in stone."

Philip Vergin
PV Anlage Verkäufer von Brück (144 kWp)

"How do I feel now, looking back? It suits me, I feel good that I sold the photovoltaic systems because I now plan to do something else with the proceeds from the sale. The timing was right, so I now have the money and can invest it in something else."

Klaus Davideit
PV Verkäufer von Riedbichl (31,9 kWp), Rutesheim (29 kWp), Lichtenau (24,42 kWp), Offenburg (69,12 kWp), Bierbach (45,12 kWp), Blickweiler (13,36 kWp), Assweiler (219,29 kWp) und Saarbrücken (109,77 kWp)

Sell solar system

About the Solar Direktinvest Group

PV Investment

The Solar Direktinvest Group, based in Nuremberg (Bavaria), specializes among other things in the sale of photovoltaic roof systems and solar parks in Germany, which are located on leased land. We are always on the lookout for existing PV systems that we can acquire for our own portfolio or sell on to one of our investors. When you sell an existing PV system, we provide you with everything from a single source: from the valuation of the system through to the sale, we are there to help and advise you.

Satisfied lessors and investors
Employees (internal and external) work towards a sustainable future
Professional experience in the construction of photovoltaic investments
approx. million.
Euro available photovoltaic investments per month

Selling a photovoltaic system: Mentions in the press and media

The following is an excerpt from the press and media that have reported on the Solar Direktinvest Group to date. The articles also reflect the experiences of customers with regard to selling photovoltaic systems at Solar Direktinvest and the many other aspects of a PV investment.

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Advantages of selling your photovoltaic system

  • Create short-term liquidity by selling your PV system

    Sale of solar system: By selling your photovoltaic system through us, you create short-term liquidity and can use your freed-up funds elsewhere.

    If you would like to sell your photovoltaic system, we can complete the sale within a few days or weeks. This way, you will quickly become liquid.

    Whether for private or economic reasons, in some circumstances it is more advantageous to have immediate access to monetary resources than to generate long-term, sustainable income.

    Let's assume, for example, that you want to reinvest your capital and buy a property. By selling your PV system, you have the necessary equity in the short term to make this investment.

    It can therefore be more lucrative to sell the photovoltaic system after taking advantage of the tax benefits in order to invest the resulting capital elsewhere.

    If you in turn sell us a solar system as a property developer, the sale will provide you with additional funds to tackle further new construction projects. This allows you to concentrate fully on the construction without having to deal with the brokerage.

  • Sell existing PV system and generate profits

    If you sell your PV system, you can generally always expect to make a profit.

    If you sell us your photovoltaic system, you can expect above-average proceeds from the sale. Because if we do not use this PV system to expand our own portfolio, we will sell it to our investors. This is because we are one of the market leaders in Germany when it comes to photovoltaic investments. There is no other company that receives as many highly qualified new customer inquiries from potential investors every day as we do.

    We therefore have the largest pool of potential buyers and can offer you the highest price on the market if you want to sell your photovoltaic system. You are in the best hands with us for the sale of your PV system.

  • The audit is carried out by us - no external experts

    Before you sell your photovoltaic system and we keep it in our own portfolio or offer it to our customers, we carry out a detailed commercial due diligence. If necessary, we also carry out a technical due diligence. By checking all the documents, we can be sure that we are selling a solar system where nothing is hidden from us or our customer.

    As a rule, we do not involve an external appraiser, who takes up an unnecessary amount of time, effort and costs. We facilitate a smooth process for the sale of your photovoltaic system.

    The prerequisite for this is that you can provide current statements from the energy supplier and any direct marketers for the existing PV system that you wish to sell. In this case, the statements should also be available for the years since the photovoltaic system has been connected to the grid. This makes it easy for us to see whether everything is in order with the solar system.

Sell a used solar system - write to us:

Nehmen Sie mit uns mit einem Klick Kontakt auf, wenn Sie als Privatperson oder auch als Bauträger Ihre PV Anlage verkaufen möchten oder Sie sich bereits darüber Gedanken gemacht haben.

With us you achieve top prices!

We will contact you and let you know which documents we need from you. Your data will of course be treated confidentially: 

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Selling a photovoltaic system - how it works

You would like to:

        • Selling your photovoltaic system, but it is located on someone else's roof?
        • Sell your solar system that is located on your own roof?
        • Sell your entire solar park?
        • Selling a new PV system?
        • Selling an existing PV system?
        • Selling a new PV system?
        • Selling a single unit from a photovoltaic roof system?
        • Selling a single unit from a solar park

⇒ Please contact us, because whether you want to sell a new or used solar system, we will pay you the highest price!

The process if you want to sell your PV system

What is the procedure when you sell your photovoltaic system? The sale of your PV system takes place in 6 steps:

1. contact request

Please click on the "Send inquiry now" button and send us your contact details. Use the "Notes" field to let us know which photovoltaic system you would like to sell.

Important key data are: System size in kWp, address of the PV system, date of commissioning and notification to the Federal Network Agency, amount of remuneration, annual yield, remaining term, extension options in the lease agreement and other special features of your photovoltaic system.

It is also relevant to know whether it is a photovoltaic system on a leased roof area or whether it is your roof area and you want to rent out your roof.

2. initial consultation

As soon as we have been informed via the contact form that you would like to sell your solar system, we will get in touch with you. We will discuss all the details with you and send you an e-mail with all the documents we need from you.

3. examination of the documents

After the detailed inspection, we can evaluate your photovoltaic system precisely.

4. price discussion

In the next step, we discuss your asking price. By checking the details in advance, we can narrow down the exact proceeds you will receive when you sell your used photovoltaic system. Once we have agreed on the selling price, we will start processing the sale of the photovoltaic system.

5. contract processing

If you are selling your photovoltaic system, we already have ready-made purchase contracts that we can adapt to your sale. We assist you with the execution of the contract so that the benefits and burdens of the photovoltaic system are transferred cleanly.

6. payment of the sales proceeds

Once the purchase contract has been concluded, the purchase price is paid. As a rule, our sales are always completed within a few days / weeks. So if you would like to sell your PV system, write to us now using the contact form by clicking on "Send inquiry now". We look forward to receiving your inquiry.

Solar system-sale

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Selling a photovoltaic system with the following requirements:

  • Acquisition on a leased roof area

    To operate the PV system, we also need a suitable area on which this system can be operated. We therefore only buy systems on leased roof areas or plots of land, not dismantled systems. If you wish to sell a photovoltaic system that is located on your roof, a lease agreement must be concluded between the owner of the land/building and the buyer of the solar system.

  • Sell PV system throughout Germany

    We are active throughout Germany. This is mainly due to the EEG remuneration that is paid for photovoltaic systems. This is reliable and the expected yields can be accurately forecast. We do not purchase PV systems abroad due to the lack of EEG remuneration.

  • At least 2 years remaining term

    If you want to sell your solar system, the remaining term must be at least 2 years. We do not buy dismantling systems or PV systems that have to be dismantled in a few years.

  • First-ranking easement in the land register

    For the safe operation of the photovoltaic system, we require the entry of a first-ranking easement in the land register under Section II. If this has not yet been done, it will be done. If you sell your PV system, the buyer bears the costs of registration.

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Selling solar parks throughout Germany

Would you like to sell a solar park and generate a high profit? Then you've come to the right place.

It does not matter whether it is an entire solar park with several megawatts or a unit of a few kilowatts peak as a unit from a larger solar park.

Where your solar park is located in Germany does not matter to us. You can sell us your photovoltaic system in the north, south, east or west of Germany, because all locations throughout Germany are of interest to us.

Even if it is a solar park that needs to be renewed or repowered, our technicians specialize in the construction and maintenance of photovoltaic systems. If the reason for selling your photovoltaic system is due to a repair, we will inspect the solar system before we buy it. There is a high probability that we can repair the damage thanks to our expertise. This means that nothing stands in the way of a smooth sale of the PV system.

If you would like to sell your solar park, we are the right contact for you in any case. Write to us using the contact form, we look forward to hearing from you!

Selling an existing solar system - required documents

Below you will find a summary of the documents we need from you if you would like to sell your photovoltaic system to us:

  • Pictures of the photovoltaic system
  • Pictures of the buildings on which the plant is located
  • All statements since the beginning of the term
  • All contracts concluded in connection with the PV system
  • a current extract from the land register
  • a current site plan
  • the concluded lease agreement
  • the power purchase agreement with the energy supplier
  • Insurance documents
  • Documents for ongoing maintenance

We would also be happy to inform you in a personal meeting about the necessary documents and the sale itself. Simply contact us using the inquiry button below!

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