Invest in photovoltaics

For many investors, investing in photovoltaics is nothing new. If you want to invest, you do not necessarily need your own suitable roof area and you do not have to build the PV system yourself. To become the owner and operator of a photovoltaic system yourself, you can buy a "turnkey" solar system directly from the project developer. The company Solar Direktinvest GmbH is one of the market leaders in this field in Germany. So if you want to invest in photovoltaics, you don't have to worry about a thing: The project developer takes over the acquisition and leasing of suitable roof and open spaces, so that you as the buyer receive the photovoltaic investment that best suits you and your requirements. In this way, you can not only invest in photovoltaics without complications, but also benefit from the attractive returns and other advantages of a PV investment. You can find more information on the following subpages. Read more "
Operating costs PV system

Operating costs PV system

When you purchase a photovoltaic direct investment from Solar Direktinvest, many aspects of the operating costs of the PV system are included in our all-round carefree package. This includes not only some insurances, but also the monitoring of the PV system and maintenance. Despite our all-round carefree package, we would like to provide you with a transparent overview of the operating costs you may incur with the commercial operation of a photovoltaic system. Basically, the operating costs of a PV system can be divided into photovoltaic insurance and PV system maintenance. Maintenance of the solar system also includes cleaning the modules to prevent reduced yields. Select one of the following categories and find out more about the various types of insurance, photovoltaic system maintenance and cleaning options. Read more "

Lease roof

Sie besitzen eine Dachfläche von 1.000m² und darüber? Haben Sie schon einmal daran gedacht diese Dachfläche zu vermieten und damit Gewinn aus der bisher ungenutzten Fläche zu schlagen? Die nachhaltigste und lukrativste Lösung hierfür bietet ein Photovoltaik Investment. Denn damit wird es Ihnen möglich, eine Solaranlage auf Ihrem Dach ganz ohne Kosten installieren zu lassen. Damit können Sie Ihr Dach gewinnbringend an einen Investor verpachten. Die folgenden Unterseiten gehen genauer auf das Thema der Dachverpachtung ein und informieren Sie darüber, welche Vorteile eine Dachverpachtung für Sie hat. Auch auf die Möglichkeit einer kostenlosen Dachsanierung, sogar bei asbesthaltigen Dachflächen, wird hier genauer eingegangen. Weiterlesen »

Rent open space

If you rent out your open space for the operation of a photovoltaic system, you benefit from several advantages. Above all, high and secure long-term rental income encourages many landowners to lease their vacant land for the construction of a solar park. If you own an open space of 10,000 m² or more, you can lease it lucratively for up to 40 years to one or more photovoltaic investors. On the following subpages you will find further information on the subject of leasing open spaces. We not only go into the various open spaces that you can lease from us, but above all the advantages that such a lease offers you. Read more "

Solar park

For unused open spaces, it makes sense to build a photovoltaic system on them. A so-called solar park produces usable electricity from the solar energy that is fed into the public grid. As landowners do not always have the financial means to build a solar park, they can lease the land and receive high lease payments. Instead, we take care of the construction of the solar park for an investor so that they can benefit from the electricity yields. Read more "

Self-consumption PV system

Rising electricity prices mean that photovoltaic system operators receive higher payments, but their own electricity consumption in turn means higher costs. In order to avoid these expenses and optimize their own electricity costs, many roof owners consider a photovoltaic system on their own roof area. Large-scale PV systems can be built on businesses such as office buildings, stables and the like with a roof area of 800 m² or more, which supply the business with sustainably produced electricity. These self-consumption PV systems not only offer operators the opportunity to supply their own business with electricity, but also to receive the EEG remuneration by feeding surplus electricity into the grid. You can find out how this works, what exactly a self-consumption PV system is and everything else to do with self-consumption PV systems on the following subpages. We also discuss taxes, surplus feed-in and similar topics. Read more "

About photovoltaics

Photovoltaics is a complex topic that requires some explanation. In a nutshell: photovoltaic modules convert the solar energy available every day into electricity. Photovoltaics is therefore not only the perfect complement to electricity generation from coal and gas, but also makes us less dependent on the prices of fossil fuels. PV can be used efficiently throughout Germany: The modules supply electricity even when the sky is cloudy. On the following pages, however, we not only look at the history of PV systems, but also specifically at environmental protection. The extent to which solar systems can help us move away from nuclear energy is just as important as the ecological balance of PV systems themselves. And also how you can do your part to protect the environment thanks to a photovoltaic investment. Read more "

Photovoltaic component

PV systems do not just consist of solar modules. Rather, there are many different components which, when combined, make up a photovoltaic system. By using the right components matched to each other, optimum results and high yields can be achieved. On the following subpages, we will therefore inform you about the structure of a photovoltaic system, from the generator connection box to the feed-in management system, we will explain the individual components and provide you with important information. The installation itself is not neglected either. With our many years of expertise and experience in the construction of photovoltaic investments, we are at your side with our knowledge and skills! Read more "

Photovoltaic promotion

The expansion of photovoltaic systems has been subsidized in Germany since 2000. This is laid down in the so-called Renewable Energy Sources Act and photovoltaic funding is financed by the EEG surcharge resulting from the Act. The energy supply company pays out the levy to the system operators, while the Federal Network Agency monitors this. The aim is the energy transition: By 2050, 80% of the electricity supply should come from renewable energies. In order to achieve this goal, the state takes the electricity produced by PV systems from the operator at a guaranteed price per kWh through the EEG levy. This makes solar systems a secure and lucrative investment. A good time to get into photovoltaic investment. Read more "

Photovoltaic financing

Die Höhe der Investitionssumme schreckt noch viele potenzielle Solarbetreiber ab. „Schulden machen“ wollen die Wenigsten. Doch handelt es sich beim Kauf einer Photovoltaik Anlage um eine gewerbliche Investition, nicht um Schulden. Denn den finanziellen Ausgaben steht ein materieller Wert in Form der Anlagenkomponenten, sowie auch der Stromproduktion gegenüber. Durch eine PV Anlage wird es möglich, einen passiven Einkommensstrom zu generieren und von den vielen Vorteilen eines PV Direktinvestment zu profitieren. Denn Investments in den regenerativen Energiesektor sind aus heutiger Sicht bereits an sich eine gute Geldanlage. Doch wird ein solches Investment durch eine Photovoltaik Finanzierung machbar? Informieren Sie sich auf folgenden Unterseiten genauer darüber, wie eine Photovoltaik Finanzierung möglich ist. Wir zeigen Ihnen gerne alle Möglichkeiten auf, klären Sie darüber auf wie Sie einen KfW Kredit beantragen und zeigen Ihnen auf, dass eine Finanzierung sogar ohne Eigenkapital möglich ist. Weiterlesen »

Photovoltaic tax

On the following subpages, we take a closer look at the topic of taxes and photovoltaics. In particular, we deal with the tax aspects of a photovoltaic investment, especially on leased roof areas. We will show you how you can save taxes with a photovoltaic investment, give you tax-saving tips and calculate exactly how you will be able to pay €0 in taxes in a year. In addition to the enormous tax benefits that result from a solar investment, we also look at the various depreciation options for a solar system. We will also inform you about what happens after you have purchased your photovoltaic investment: How does business registration work? Is there a photovoltaic tax? What about VAT? And what about the tax return? Find out more here! Read more "

Taxing severance pay

Are you receiving a severance payment from your employer? Don't forget that you will have to pay tax on this severance payment. The tax burden on such extraordinary income can be reduced with tax reductions, for example through the so-called fifths rule. However, these are only tax reductions, so not all taxes can be saved. On the following subpages, you can find out how you can save even more tax on your severance pay through investments by claiming these investments for tax purposes and thus reducing your tax burden by lowering your taxable income. We will also show you how you can even receive up to 100% of your severance payment tax-free with a sustainable photovoltaic investment. Read more "

Buy a PV system

Sie möchten in Solar investieren und eine PV Anlage kaufen? In den folgenden Beiträgen finden Sie alle relevanten Informationen zu sogenannten Bestands-Solaranlagen, sowie bereits bestehenden Freiflächenanlagen. Diese PV Anlagen können zumeist direkt nach dem Kauf Erträge erwirtschaften. Doch wir zeigen Ihnen nicht nur die Vorteile beim Erwerb einer solchen Photovoltaikanlage auf, sondern wir geben Ihnen auch wichtige Tipps, was Sie beim Kauf einer solchen Anlage bedenken sollten. Falls eine Bestandsanlage für Sie doch nicht in Frage kommt, dann steht Ihnen auf dem Online-Marktplatz unseres Partners Milk the Sun die aktuelle Auswahl an Neubauanlagen zur Verfügung. Dort Sie können innerhalb des aktuell verfügbaren Angebots gezielt nach einem passenden Objekt suchen. Weiterlesen »

Sell PV system

Would you like to sell your PV system that is located on a leased roof area? Are you a property developer and would like to sell your new-build systems? You've come to the right place. We buy your photovoltaic system and offer you a quick and uncomplicated transaction. Regardless of whether you already have an exact price in mind or do not yet know how much your solar system is worth, we will be happy to give you an initial estimate after a discussion and inspection of your documents! In principle, every roof system and every solar park is of interest to us if a few points are met. You can find out which requirements should be met to sell a PV system on the following sub-pages. Here we also discuss the value and valuation of used PV systems and the residual value to be expected. We also give you an insight into a purchase contract to ensure as much transparency as possible. Read more "