Solar Direktinvest bestes deutsches Unternehmen unter den wachstumsstärksten Unternehmen Europas
Die Solar Direktinvest GmbH aus Nürnberg befindet sich auf steilem Wachstumskurs. Unter den FT 1000 von Financial Times und Statista ist das Unternehmen der erste deutsche Vertreter in der Rangliste der wachstumsstärksten Unternehmen Europas.
In der Gesamtwertung auf Platz 4 ist Solar Direktinvest aber nicht nur das erste deutsche Unternehmen im Ranking, sondern auch das erstplatzierte der Energie- und Versorgerbranche. Bei der Erhebung punkteten die Nürnberger mit einem Wachstum von 385% im Zeitraum 2019 bis 2022.
Entsprechend stolz kann das Unternehmen auf seinen 4. Platz in der Gesamtwertung von 1000 Teilnehmern sein. Mit dieser Platzierung ist es gleichzeitig erster unter den deutschen Unternehmen in der Rangliste, also „primus inter pares“. Dazu kommt noch eine zweite Spitzenposition. In der Sparte „Energie und Versorger“ (Energy & Utilities) liegt Solar Direktinvest vor seinen europäischen Mitbewerbern.
Solar Direktinvest as Focus Business Growth Champion 2024
In October 2023, Solar Direktinvest was named Focus Business Growth Champion 2024. In a collaboration between Statista and Focus Business, over 500 companies were analyzed in terms of their growth rate since 2019 and a ranking was created that reflects growth since then.
Solar Direktinvest took first place in the "Energy and Utilities" category in a Germany-wide comparison. In the overall ranking, we achieved a convincing growth rate of 385% since 2019 - putting us in second place.
The Focus Business Growth Champion award is testimony to the steady and targeted company growth that Solar Direktinvest has pursued since its foundation. In the coming years, we also plan to further expand the company structures and thus continue to grow.
DIND and DUP UNTERNEHMER-Magazin award Solar Direktinvest several times
The Solar Direktinvest Group has already received several awards from the German Innovation Institute for Sustainability and Digitalization (DIND) and the DUP UNTERNEHMER magazine. The patron of these awards is the former Federal Minister of Economics Brigitte Zypries, who is particularly committed to expanding the innovation and transformation processes of German SMEs.
These awards make it clear that Solar Direktinvest not only attaches great importance to its customer orientation, but also focuses its efforts on its employees and the fairness of the company.
Solar Direktinvest as a supporter of the Alliance for Development and Climate
Solar Direktinvest is not only committed to the expansion of renewable energies in Germany with its product, but also wants to go one step further in the direction of a sustainable and clean future. That is why environmental and climate protection is a top priority for us.
To offset CO2 consumption, Solar Direktinvest GmbH has committed itself to the Alliance for Development and Climate. Even though we already save tens of thousands of tons of CO2 annually with our solar investments in Germany, we want to do even more for the climate. That is why we support sustainable development and climate goals around the world in the Alliance for Development and Climate. The aim of our collaboration is to avoid, reduce and offset greenhouse gas emissions.
The successful partnership with PLANT-MY-TREE®
Last year, Solar Direktinvest GmbH initiated a very successful partnership with the environmental protection company PLANT-MY-TREE®. Together, we plant over 1,000 trees per year as part of our Gold Partnership. As a result of this cooperation, entire newly reforested forests are created, which are protected from deforestation and commercial use for 99 years.
In this way, native animal and plant species can find a home and a retreat within the newly created forests that fully meets their needs. With this commitment, Solar Direktinvest is not only supporting the energy transition, but also environmental protection and the sustainability of our local forests.