Solar direct investment

Invest in a photovoltaic investment on a leased area

Solar Investment

Mit uns als Partner Ihre Dachfläche vermieten!
In Photovoltaik investieren in Form eines Solar Investment auf einer gepachteten Dachfläche oder eines Solarparks zählt in Deutschland aufgrund millionenfach bewährter Technik, der staatlich garantierten Vergütung und den enormen Steuervorteilen zu einer der kalkulierbarsten, sichersten und lukrativsten Investitionen überhaupt.

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Find the right solar investment

Ob klein oder groß, als Projektrecht, Neubau oder Bestandsanlage, Solarpark oder auf dem Dach, wir können laufend eine große Auswahl an PV Projekten anbieten. Die derzeit verfügbaren Projekte finden Sie ausschließlich auf der Vermittlungsplattform der Milk the Sun (Link weiter unten).

Status: Solar park with 146 units
Output: 7,432.635 kWp
Purchase price: On request
Location: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Commissioning: 2023
Status: completed new building
Output: 315.29 kWp
Purchase price: On request
Location: Saxony
Commissioning: 2023
Status: New building project ready for construction
Output: 329.64 kWp
Purchase price: On request
Location: Thuringia
Commissioning: 2024
Status: Solar park as new building
Output: 1,600 kWp
Purchase price: on request
Location: Bavaria
Commissioning: 2024
Buy Solar Investment
Status: Project right or turnkey
Output: 55,000 kWp
Purchase price: on request
Location: Hesse
Commissioning: 2024
Solar Direktinvest experience
Status: Existing pv system
Output: 59.52 kWp
Purchase price: on request
Location: Saxony-Anhalt
Commissioning: 2012

Unserer verfügbaren Photovoltaik Investments haben wir auf der Vermittlungsplattform Milk the Sun inseriert - diese betreibt den weltweit größten Marktplatz für Solar Investments. Sie können uns zu den für Sie interessanten Anlagen direkt über den Marktplatz kontaktieren.

About the Solar Direktinvest Group

PV Investment

The Solar Direktinvest Group specializes in the acquisition, purchase, brokerage, development, construction, maintenance, insurance and sale of photovoltaic rooftop systems and solar parks in Germany that are located on leased land. We provide you with everything you need for a secure, carefree and sustainable photovoltaic investment from a single source.

Our head office is located in Nuremberg (Bavaria) on Wöhrder See in a prime central location, right next to Mercedes Benz AG, Apo Bank eG and VR Bank eG.

Photovoltaic investment

Solar Direktinvest wurde kürzlich vom DUP-Unternehmermagazin in Kooperation mit dem Deutschen Innovationsinstitut für Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung als Arbeitgeber der Zukunft ausgezeichnet. Diese Ehrung unterstreicht das Engagement der Firma für die Zufriedenheit und das Wohlbefinden ihrer Mitarbeiter. Durch diese Auszeichnung wird die besondere Aufmerksamkeit hervorgehoben, die Solar Direktinvest auf ein modernes und zukunftsorientiertes Arbeitsumfeld legt, das sowohl Nachhaltigkeit als auch Digitalisierung in den Vordergrund stellt.

Satisfied lessors and investors
Employees (internal & external) work for a clean future
Professional experience in the construction of photovoltaic investments
approx. million.
euros in newly available solar investments per month

Mentions of Solar Direktinvest in the press and media

References: Hundreds of large realized solar investments

The following plants are an excerpt of the photovoltaic investments realized by Solar Direktinvest to date. Our investors have been able to invest in these solar plants and thus benefit from high tax advantages and attractive returns.

The following button will take you to other solar systems that have been sold, brokered or implemented independently. You can also invest in existing solar systems with us. Below you can see PV systems that have been sold in part or in whole or from which individual units have been sold.

Pictures say more than words - see for yourself.


245 kWp Ingelheim


3,450 kWp Heuchelheim


200 kWp Ganderkesee

Solar direct investment

748 kWp Doberlug


295 kWp Alzey II

Solar direct investment

2,976 kWp Mehrum

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Invest in photovoltaics: Feedback from our customers

"We are fully committed to driving forward the expansion of renewable energies in Germany. We need to increase capacities very quickly. The demand for electricity will increase, especially due to the electrification of the transport sector. Having acquired several photovoltaic investments from Solar Direktinvest, I would recommend the company to others, if only because I am supporting other projects as a result. I myself am absolutely convinced of the quality that has been delivered here and therefore I also believe that the company will make an excellent contribution to the energy transition in the future."

Dr. Steffen Knepper
Lawyer specializing in renewable energies
Solar Invest: Letzendorf, 145 kWp and Petershagen, 299 kWp

Solar direct investment_

"Investing in a photovoltaic system should be part of every intelligent portfolio. We consider this to be a very solid long-term building block for the creation of stable assets. We assume that the market has massive growth potential in the future due to the overall political background. Our experience with Solar Direktinvest has been very good. Compared to what we had experienced before, it was really very good. Because you could see that the company's entire concept is based on sustainability and a long-term approach."

Mirko Steffen
Business psychologist and former managing director of an energy supply company

"I have known Solar Direktinvest for several years and the business model is sustainable. It is characterized by a high level of expertise, speed and reliability. If you look at the company's history, you can see a flawless track record, which means you can always be sure that everything will work out as discussed. As for the yields of a photovoltaic system, these have actually always been underestimated in the past; I have yet to see a photovoltaic system that has underperformed."

Martin B.
Operator of photovoltaic investments
Solar Invest: Reitverrein Weisenheim am Sand, 321 kWp


"The contact with Solar Direktinvest was very pleasant and everything that was discussed on the phone was subsequently implemented. That was very important to me for a transaction of this size. A photovoltaic system is very attractive from a tax perspective and the cash flow is significantly better than with a property. The system generates a profit every year. With a photovoltaic investment, there is hardly any expense compared to a property, it is low-maintenance and easy to look after."

Philip Vergin
Real estate and photovoltaic systems investor
Solar Invest: Brück, 144 kWp

"It has to be said that all the trades made a very positive impression in terms of the quality of the work. All safety measures were adhered to on site. The site manager, Mr. Götz Facius, introduced himself to me properly and always kept me up to date on the current status of the construction work. As far as Solar Direktinvest is concerned, I can say that here you have a company that you can deal with as equals, that stands by its agreements and then always carries them out quietly in the background."

Roland Stelzer
Roof lessor
Solar Invest: Nuremberg 226 kWp

Solar Invest

Numerous positive reviews on Proven Expert from customers about your photovoltaic direct investment

As a customer of Solar Direktinvest, you have the opportunity to write a review on the Proven Expert evaluation portal after or during the collaboration in order to report on your experiences. Regardless of whether you have leased your roof or open space, sold your PV system or purchased a system as a PV investment. In this way, you create trust with new interested parties and help them to also support the expansion of renewable energies.

Rainer Braun

"I bought my first PV system from Solar Direktinvest four years ago, and since then I have bought another investment every year due to tax write-offs. I am completely satisfied with my existing systems."

Daniel Langer

"One of the largest providers of turnkey photovoltaic systems with professional and honest advice. The reference systems speak for themselves."

Christiano Preuss

"Our photovoltaic system was successfully put into operation yesterday. A big thank you to the whole team at Solar Direktinvest, who did an excellent job. Now we can produce green electricity for the next few years."

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Tax consultant Jens Rüggeberg explains the tax benefits of a solar investment

Solar direct investment

Tax consultant Jens Rüggeberg talks to Solar Direktinvest about his experiences and the tax advantages of a PV investment.

"When I hear a tax consultant say: 'Yes, if you want to earn a lot, you have to pay taxes. - No, they don't have to. That's not the case. You just have to know how the tax system works. It's like a gift of money. [...]

I would say: To each his own PV system. If you understand how it works and you realize what's behind it, then it would be grossly negligent not to do it."

Thanks to the enormous tax advantages and the exceptional depreciation possibilities of a solar investment, you can reduce your taxable income to such an extent that you can even receive your entire income tax-free with a severance payment. Find out more about tax-free severance payments here.

Directly to the website of tax consultant Jens Rüggeberg:

  • Tax refund

    In the year the system is purchased, you will receive a tax refund from the tax office of up to approx. 25% of the investment costs, among other things through the investment deduction amount (IAB) !

  • Ongoing high profits

    In addition to the tax benefits up front, the PV system is expected to generate a high profit surplus every month during the first 20 years of financing.

  • Solar annuity

    After the PV system has paid for itself during the EEG term of 20 years, you then benefit from a high solar yield over a further term of 10-20 years.

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Frequently asked questions about a solar investment

Photovoltaic direct investment

What are the advantages of a direct photovoltaic investment?

In this video, we explain everything you need to know about a photovoltaic investment with Solar Direktinvest, with a special focus on the advantages of such a solar investment.
To summarize: we look for suitable roof areas throughout Germany to lease over a long period of up to 40 years. In return for the roof lease, the roof owner receives a high lease payment from us or a free roof renovation. We then install a photovoltaic system on these areas. Afterwards, i.e. after the system has been built, we can take care of the management of your solar investment if you wish.
As an investor, you can buy a new photovoltaic system from us. However, we also have existing solar systems available on an ongoing basis, which we offer as existing PV systems.

Is there a legally guaranteed remuneration for solar investments?

Every PV system operator in Germany who wants to buy a photovoltaic system receives state-guaranteed remuneration for their solar investment over 20 years plus the year of commissioning. The state guarantees the purchase of all the electricity produced at the kWh price that applied in the month of commissioning. 
This is laid down in the Renewable Energy Sources Act, which first came into force in 2000. This law laid a further foundation for the expansion of renewable energies in Germany.
For the operators of a PV system, the law means security, as the electricity is purchased at least at this fixed rate. In addition, the hours of sunshine at each location in Germany can be calculated very precisely for the next 20 years. This means that the minimum yields for a solar investment can also be accurately forecast.
Due to the current development of electricity prices, higher profits can be achieved through direct marketing than through the sale of electricity via EEG remuneration. Nevertheless, the EEG remuneration still represents a safeguard for the marketing of electricity. 
Solar system-invest-Solar-Invest

How can I invest in photovoltaics with the greatest possible security?

We make a photovoltaic investment possible for almost everyone. The buyer acquires 100% ownership of all components of the system, which is why it is also referred to as a direct photovoltaic investment. The lease agreement concluded by us with the landowner is transferred to the buyer of the photovoltaic system.
To secure the lease agreement over the entire term - even in the event of a change of ownership - an easement is entered in the land register under Section II in favor of the owner of the system. Your Solar Invest is therefore as secure on the third-party roof area as it is on your own for the entire term.
For optimum all-round protection, we offer comprehensive insurance concepts including Photovoltaic all-risk insurance (electronics insurance). Covered are: Natural events such as lightning, storm, fire, moisture, short circuit, cable damage, overvoltage, operating errors, clumsiness, negligence, damage caused by animal bites, theft, vandalism and much more. We can also take over the maintenance and monitoring of the systems on request.

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Your benefits when you invest in a solar system THROUGH US

  • Years of experience

    Benefit from our many years of experience in all aspects of solar direct investments. Our numerous implemented photovoltaic systems speak louder than words - see for yourself!

  • Everything from a single source

    When you buy your solar investment from us, you geteverything from a single source: roof refurbishment, construction of the system, sale and maintenance over the entire term. 

  • High-quality components

    We only use high-quality components in construction. The aim is to generate high income over a very long period of time. Accordingly, we attach great importance to clean construction work.

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Environmental and climate protection with a solar investment

Melting poles and rising sea levels. Air pollution and smog in big cities. The decline in biodiversity and devastating natural disasters. These are just a few of the major environmental problems of our time. We believe that it is time to act.

Because the energy transition, as well as environmental protection and sustainability, are important to us. Our Solar Invest projects give investors the opportunity to make their own contribution to the energy transition and thus to a greener future. But we go one step further!


We are driving forward the expansion of photovoltaics in Germany to ensure that more and more households can be supplied with green and sustainable electricity. By making PV systems completely CO2-neutral after just a few years and not relying on any fossil fuels, tens of thousands of tons of CO2 can be saved every year. By 2023, we want to save 16,000 tons of CO2 per year through our PV investments alone. This is equivalent to the CO2 emissions of 4,150 airplanes flying from Munich to New York.

Solar Direktinvest GmbH as a supporter of the Alliance for Development and Climate


But we don't just want to contribute to climate protection with our product. As a supporter of the Alliance for Development and Climate, we ensure that our CO2 consumption is offset. In this way, we support sustainable development and climate goals worldwide to avoid, reduce and offset greenhouse gas emissions. Because our goal is to achieve a greener, sustainable future with 100% green electricity from renewable energies through PV investments. For us and our environment.

Partnership between Solar Direktinvest and PLANT-MY-TREE® - With Photovoltaik Invest to a greener world

We are working hard to make the world a little greener and more sustainable. To achieve our goal, we are working with PLANT-MY-TREE® and are proud to plant over 1,000 trees a year together. With our Gold Partnership, we are ensuring that an entire forest in Büttelborn, Hesse, will be reforested for Solar Direktinvest for the first time. For 99 years, our partnership will protect this forest from deforestation and commercial use in order to create a natural habitat for flora and fauna. In this way, we are not only committed to your solar investment, but also to the environment!